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My Journey of Discovery

Don't Use a "Middle Man"

What do I mean by "Don't Use a "Middle Man"??

I mean, do not put someone in between you and someone else. Not for your gain, not for anyone's gain.

Recently I have seen this pattern occur with people in my life. They will connect with someone else to get to a third person. In some instances it just seems like a lack of respect for the other two people involved.

So why would that be a thing we want to avoid?

Well, it comes from a place of fear. We are afraid to not use that middle person as help and just communicate with the other person.

The reasons as to why we don't avoid doing this, is because we don't know how to get out of our comfort zones and be vulnerable. We hide behind someone else. We are not honest with others, but even worse, we are not honest with ourselves.

It is reckless because both people could end up getting hurt. Both could end up feeling used or played, and both could end up resenting you. All because you were not honest with yourself and vulnerable.

Essentially, in the end, everyone loses.


I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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© 2015 by Paulina F.

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