Good Manners Are Free!

Manners are something that you technically learn from your parents, family, community, school, etc.
So why is it we can learn them everywhere but some people simply do not seem to show them?
I have come across many people who have zero manners. To me that translates to a lack of care and respect for other people, places or things.

Lack of manners easily translates to rudeness. I find that people who lack manners such as greeting people when entering a room, holding the door open for the person behind you or perhaps simply smiling back when someone smiles at you. That says very little about you on the receiving end and a lot about them.
Some people may be so incredibly insecure that they use their lack of manners as a guard to make it seem like they are strong people. They reflect a sense of importance and superiority only so that people cannot see right through them and their insecurities.
Others were simply not raised to be polite and aware of others. This is not an excuse but a reason. No one is ever right to be rude, even when the other party is. We have the option to lower ourselves to that level or be the bigger person - do not mistake this for being a doormat, there is always an option of walking away from people and situations at some point or another.

This calls for awareness. If you want to be seen in a good light, be respected, be included, be wanted, be loved...YOU need to do the same towards others. The energy you send off by being dismissive, rude, etc. is something that does not need to be obvious. Many people pick up on these things and form an idea of you.
There will be those people who say "I don't care what people think of me" and that is simply not true. Everyone cares what people think to a certain extent and those people who claim to not care are insecure (a little or a lot) and are just guarding themselves. Those are the people who you will catch worrying about how they look when they go out when they said they didn't care what the neighbour thinks about their loud music. Everyone cares. Some of us just guard ourselves more than others.

So please. Next time you walk into a room, I don't care if you are shy or sad or miserable. Say hello to the people, you never know, they may be the ones to brighten up your day. All we need it to show a little kindness, spread a little love and things fall into place.
There is no need to walk around and pretend we can do everything for ourselves, that we do not care what people think and that we are superior to anyone. Life will show us otherwise, so why wait for that to happen when you can change it all around. Look within and show your true character!!