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My Journey of Discovery

Who Do You Give Your Energy To?

There is a time in life when we have to realize who to give our energy to and who to take it away from.

I am talking about that interaction between two people. This could be between yourself and a family member, friend, boyfriend or girlfriend, coworker, etc.

We go about life giving out our energy to people, activities, work, and in general anything we do in life.

This energy we have with us can be good and bad. It all has to do with intention.

Recently I realized that I was perhaps giving out my energy and/or keeping it for people who ended up showing me they did not feel the same, it was simply not mutual, even when I thought it was.

Since then I have decided to remove myself from those relationships. Saving and using my energy for those people who not only deserve it but who give me back their energy.

Things to know about your energy:

  • You need to keep it as positive as possible, given the circumstances of life.

  • You gain good energy by giving good energy - good karma.

  • You will lose energy if you give it and not receive it back.

  • You will carry negative energy if you are around it.

With those simple points you can look at your interactions and be clear on where you stand when it comes to your energy levels.

I have decided to become aware of how my energy levels are. How I use it, who I use it with, etc. When you are honest with yourself you will realize how much control and power you and others have over your well-being. This is not to say that someone pisses you off and you cut them off or that if someone does not answer a text or call promptly that they do not deserve your energy or response back. I am not saying to not tolerate the bad. Just be aware of the people who all they do is take.

However, what I am saying isthat if you -for example- are always the one to approach someone with very little enthusiasm from the other side. Think about it and observe for patterns. Sometimes those are the people who needs us, but in reality, we need ourselves the most.

I am also talking about those people who are the opposite of MIA (missing in action). Those people who come to you with so much negativity, and not towards you but about lfie in general while giving nothing back, not even solutions. Think about it and realize those people create their own reality and are trying to pull you in.

Sometimes people seem to be there for you only because they need you to be there for them. Not because it is actually a mutual exchange of support and energy, but yet, because you take that negative energy away from them, and carry it!!! How awful is that? What kind of relationship is that? A one sided, energy sucking relationship!!! That is exactly what it is and you need to remove yourself from the situation.

So please do yourself a favour and surround yourself by good energy. The trick is giving yourself good energy and giving it to the world around you.

It was tough to make the change but I have come to realize it had to be done.

I say tough because it is hard to realize that you were giving genuine energy and time to people who did not do it back.

Never give up on anyone who does not drain your energy or give you negative one, but if you see that they are not there for you, simply lower them on the list of your priorities. Give and receive the same quantity and quality of energy.


I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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© 2015 by Paulina F.

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